報告 Announcement

(1) [Church Re-Opening Announcement / 聚會重啟報告] :

Dear brothers and sisters, We re-open for in-person worship service for both English & Chinese congregations and also for communion service. However, both worships and communion services are continued to be live-streamed on our church website. Please check the church website for details.


(2) Because of the changes made regarding the Los Angeles County indoor masking mandate, starting 4/10/2022 masks are no longer required to be worn indoors at CCFC, Alhambra. However, brothers and sisters should feel free to continue to wear masks indoors if that is your preference.
因為洛杉磯縣改變了室內戴口罩的規定, 從 4/10/2022 開始在教會室內聚會時不需要戴口罩。但是, 若弟兄姊妹願意, 仍然可以繼續在室內戴口罩。

(3) Please be reminded that if you are experiencing any symptoms that you do not normally have (coughing, fever, runny nose, sore throat, etc.), please stay home to rest, and attend the Worship Service online.
如果你經歷一些平時沒有的癥狀 (咳嗽、發燒、流鼻水、喉嚨痛等等),請留在家中休息,參加網上崇拜聚會。

(4) Please pray for the children as they learn about how God wants us to love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength. Just as a reminder, please promptly pick-up children after the service from Room 5. Note: Parents will need to sign-out their children.

(5) Christian Soldiers Fellowship (junior high and high schoolers) are meeting again every Sunday at 2:00 pm starting 9/10/2023..

(6) Our church has begun serving lunch on Sundays after the Worship Service.

(7) Nursery Sunday School/育兒室主日學

Nursery (Toddlers) Sunday School is now held at 11:15-11:45am for both in-person and online participants. In-person attendees: please go to the 11am Worship Services with an adult and check in at the Children’s Station at the back.
育兒室幼兒主日學聚會時間改至上午十一時十五分至十一時四十五分, 可經由實體和網路參加。若是參加實體聚會, 請在上午十一時與成人一起參加主日崇拜, 並請到後面兒童簽到處登記。

(8) Prayer Meeting is held every Wednesday night beginning at 7:30pm via ZOOM. Please make an effort to attend.
每週教會禱告會藉著ZOOM 視頻會議方式於星期三晚上七時三十分開始,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。

(9) Please pray how God may be leading you to serve in and/or support the Children’s Ministry to lead the children to love God, love others, and live as lifelong disciples of Christ. Please contact Sister Olivia for more information. English-speakers or Chinese-speakers are welcomed. The children will be learning about what Jesus did to save us.
請在禱告中求神帶領你如何在兒童事工上服事和/或支持,幫助引領兒童們愛神、愛人、和終生作基督的門徒。若要知道更多兒童事工的詳情,請與 Olivia 姊妹聯絡。說英文或說 中文的弟兄姊妹們我們都歡迎。兒童們將會學習到耶穌為拯救我們所成就的。

(11)10/26/2024 English gospel meeting 英文福音聚會

The English Gospel Meeting will be held on October 26. Please be praying for one person who needs to hear the gospel and for the opportunity to invite this person. The topic is ‘Peace within an Unpeaceful Life’ and Brother Justin Wong will be the speaker.
英文部在十月二十六日將會有福音聚會。佈道會的講員是黃曉正弟兄(Justin Wong), 佈道會題目是「在動盪不安中有平安」,請在禱告中紀念佈道會,並邀請親友參加。

(12)11/9/2024 one-day combined event 中文部與英文部聯合的活動

On Saturday,11/9, we will have a combined “All Church-Family Event” at church for both the Chinese-speaking and English-speaking congregations. It is meant for everyone in the church. It will be a time of interacting with brothers and sisters from both congregations through fellowship and prayer. Flyers are available in the back of the Chapel.
The schedule is below:
9:00a – 9:30a – Breakfast snacks
9:30a – 10:30a – Singing and message
(“What Is True Fellowship?”)
10:30a – 11:30a – Sharing and prayer in small groups
11:30a – 1:00p – BBQ Lunch
1:00p – 2:30p – Presentations from different fellowships
2:30p – Close with prayer

9:00a – 9:30a – 早餐
9:30a – 10:30a – 唱詩與信息
10:30a – 11:30a – 小組分享禱告
11:30a – 1:00p – 烤肉午餐
1:00p – 2:30p – 各個團契分享
2:30p – 結束禱告

(14) [弟兄姐妹可以有兩個方式奉獻 There are two ways to make offerings to church] :

  1. Please make check payable to ‘Chinese Christian Family Church’ and drop it in the church offering box or mail it to Church.支票抬頭請寫 ‘Chinese Christian Family Church’ 可將支票投入教會的奉獻箱,或郵寄支票到教會
  2. 網上奉獻 Online Offering

(15) 已接受主耶穌為救主的弟兄姊妹,並且有意受浸者,請與朱璧邗牧師聯絡。
Please contact Pastor Elton Chu if you have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and are willing to be baptized.