2019 Other Meetings

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Date / Topic / Speaker / Passage


2019-05-25              2019 Spring Retreat #1 《Creation》       Dr. Erik Thoennes

2019-05-25              2019 Spring Retreat #2 《Fall》       Dr. Erik Thoennes

2019-05-26              2019 Spring Retreat #3 《Law and Sacrifice》       Dr. Erik Thoennes

2019-05-26              2019 Spring Retreat #4 《Incarnation and Salvation in Christ》       Dr. Erik Thoennes

2019-05-27              2019 Spring Retreat #5 《The Second Coming of Christ》       Dr. Erik Thoennes

2019-05-26              2019 Spring Retreat WS 《Loving God with Your Mind》       Dr. Erik Thoennes